We had a wedding last weekend and our son stayed with us for the weekend too. We were invited over for dinner on Sunday and just had friends over for dinner last night. Doing lots of yard work and trying to keep up with the house work and getting ready for our much anticipated camping trip.
It is a dreary day out so far today and I just don't feel like doing much of anything so I decided to relax a bit and post my photo for Our Beautiful World which I have been meaning to do since Sunday.
The prompt for this week over at Our Beautiful World is

You are to find a photo that represents waiting to you and share the story behind the photo. It has really been fun playing along at Our Beautiful World and everyone is so friendly over there.
I went to water one of my hanging plants earlier this summer and to my surprise this is what I found in it:
A little Oregon Junco made it's nest in the hanging plant. If you click on the photo you might be able to see that she lined the nest with the white hair from our dog. Nothing goes wasted in nature. There were three small eggs in the nest. The first egg she laid is actually under the dog hair.
Every time I would walk by the planter I would check on the eggs. Most of the time mom Junco would be sitting on them. Finally I found one teeny tiny chick with just fuzz on it's head and then it was joined by another one. I thought the third egg didn't hatch but when they were older I finally saw the third one. It was a very full nest.
A you can see from this photo the nest is now empty and I now longer have to wait until mom has left the nest to find food for her brood before I can water the plant. I had to be careful when watering so I didn't get the eggs wet or drown the babies after they hatched. I always waited until the plants were droopy before watering because I hated to disturb the family. We enjoyed watching the little ones grow and mom and dad flying to and from the nest bringing insects for the hungry babies.
I do miss them but I occasionally see the three babies in my garden looking for food and mom and dad Junco are still nearby and cause a ruckus if I get too close to their babies.
Thanks for dropping by!