Some friends of ours that use to live in Indianola are back in town after a twelve year absence. Our girls meant in second grade and became fast friends spending many hours and sleep overs together for two or three years. Now both are in college going their seperate ways.
With our friends back for a short time we have been visiting and reliving the past through our memories but last night we actually did something we use to do and have such fond memories of. We had a bonfire on the beach! Oh how we have missed those fun times on the beach together.
I remember one New Years Eve we spent on the beach with them and had a roaring bonfire as we watched the fireworks across the water from the Space Needle. It was a New Years Eve we won't forget.
Anyway enough about memories here are the photos from last night:
It was the perfect evening to be on the beach.
We had a roaring bonfire to roast hotdogs and marshmallows for s'mores. We also had the first apple cider of the season!
Indianola has the longest dock around. It doesn't seem that long until you walk to the end of it and you seem to walk forever before reaching the end. The sun was getting low in the sky by the time we arrived at the beach and gave everything a warm glow.
We enjoyed a beautiful sunset over the water: Red sky at night, sailors delight.
Such wonderful cloud formations.
The moon was almost full and lite up the shoreline with its soft glow.
It is a rarity not to have wind coming off the water but this night was very calm and still.
It was still enough to get good reflections of the clouds in the water.
We enjoyed the wonderful night especially knowing that winter is close on our heels and nights like this will have to wait for another summer.
Here is a close up of Agate Pass.
So nice to make new memories with old friends.